For enterprises of any size, having access to the essential data needed to make critical decisions on demand is essential. 

It provides the flexibility and confidence needed to navigate the latest industry hurdle, all while enabling the peace of mind that decisions stem from trusted intelligence, rather than a gut-feeling approach. 

Cloud-based approaches to file sharing have gained popularity for that very reason, providing a wealth of benefits to enterprises across almost every industry to empower their workflows. Boasting scalability, improved collaboration and more, cloud-based MFT solutions have the potential to radically transform file-sharing operations, all while securing sensitive data in the process. 

Read on to discover six core benefits that cloud-based MFT solutions can bring to your business. At a glance, these include: 

  1. Enhanced accessibility and flexibility
  2. Effortless scalability
  3. Advanced security features
  4. Streamlined collaboration
  5. Automatic updates and maintenance
  6. Cost-efficiency and resource optimisation

Read on to learn more!

1. Enhanced accessibility and flexibility

Cloud-based Managed File Transfer solutions present an unparalleled advantage for enterprises looking to secure their sensitive data. They ensure uninterrupted access regardless of location or time.

This means heightened operational flexibility – an important factor for any teams operating remotely – giving them access to data whenever it’s needed. 

But, it’s not just distance that cloud-based MFT can help overcome. It can also help navigate traditional infrastructure limitations, like latency and physical storage, to create a truly agile and collaborative workflow.

2. Effortless scalability

Speaking of storage, if you’re looking for a scalable solution that can easily accommodate any volume of data, cloud-based MFT is the answer.

Often, these tools use a global network of servers and data centres to scale horizontally. By distributing workloads across multiple servers at once, they help to maintain performance levels.

Cloud-based MFT solutions also usually include load-balancing features. When a data transfer request does come in, load-balancing tools distribute requests evenly across available resources. This removes the risk of a single component becoming a bottleneck, optimising performance, speed, and overall reliability in the process.

Discover how enterprises can adapt to fluctuating workloads without the need for extensive hardware investments, resulting in cost savings and operational efficiency, in our full guide:

3. Advanced security features

Cloud-based MFT solutions truly stand out for their robust features. 

A wide range of security tools, from encryption protocols to stringent access controls, and comprehensive audit trails collectively fortify enterprise-wide defence against potential security threats. Just some of these tools are:

  • Encryption protocols that transform data into an unreadable format during transmission
  • Access controls that regulate user permissions and prevent unauthorised access
  • Comprehensive audit trails that offer a transparent record of all file transfer activity

Still want to learn more? In our latest blog, we set out to answer “how secure is file transfer?

4. Streamlined collaboration

Cloud-based Managed File Transfer (MFT) also serves to boost collaboration, providing a seamless and efficient platform for sharing and exchanging files across departments.

Unlike on-premise file transfer methods, cloud-based MFT enables users to access, upload, and share files from anywhere with an internet connection. This means the ability to work on multiple projects simultaneously with zero downtime. With automated workflows, this is made more streamlined than ever, with a range of customisable automations to ensure that data is always sent and received when it’s needed. 

The result? An environment where teams can share ideas, collaborate on projects, and meet deadlines more efficiently.

5. Automatic updates and maintenance

For users concerned about not receiving the support, security features, or capabilities needed to stay ahead in fast-paced landscapes, cloud-based MFT solutions offer automatic updates and maintenance, delivered remotely. 

It’s no secret that traditional software updates and maintenance processes can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. However, cloud-based solutions like Quatrix implement updates seamlessly without the need for manual intervention. 

Automatic updates eliminate the burden and stress of managing intricate maintenance schedules, allowing teams to focus on more important priorities while being equipped with a more agile and adaptive infrastructure that evolves effortlessly.

Now, enterprises can maintain a competitive edge with access to the latest features, security patches, and performance enhancements – providing peace of mind in the process. 

6. Cost efficiency and resource optimisation

Featuring flexible pay-as-you-go models, and removing the need to invest in on-site storage, installation or hardware, cloud-based MFT solutions are more cost-efficient than on-premises solutions.

Pay-as-you-go models are more scalable and flexible than traditional models, ensuring that you only pay for the services you consume. 

This eliminates the need for large upfront investments in hardware and software, all while promoting a leaner and more agile cost structure. What’s more, as we’ve previously seen with load balancing, cloud-based solutions can easily scale resources up or down based on demand to avoid unnecessary expenditures during periods of low activity. 

Want to learn more? Discover how cloud-based MFT solutions can reduce costs for your enterprise in our blog.

Discover how cloud-based MFT can help streamline your file sharing today

Cloud-based MFT tools bring with them a wide range of benefits to support enterprises of any size with accessing secure file-sharing capabilities. At a time when secure transfers are more important than ever in the face of sophisticated security threats, a cloud-based MFT solution may just be the answer.

Learn more about the benefits that cloud-based MFT can bring to your organisation with our free guide

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Read More: 6 Reasons Why Managed File Transfer is Better than FTP